Instructions for Authors

• Authors must include their name, affiliation, contact information, email address, and a brief bio along with their articles.

• Article lengths should be between 4000-5000 words and must be written with double spacing using a 12-size font (Time New Roman), each page needs to have an appropriate number. Quotations, however, may be written with single space.

• Corresponding author may submit the manuscript to the editor via OJS (online) in MS Word format by logging in or creating an account on the official website of the Journal website, on the link

• External referees will blindly review the papers, and they may be edited/modified accordingly.

• A maximum of two writers/authors are allowed in an article.

• The principal/corresponding author is responsible to ensure that the manuscript is free of plagiarism. The similarity index must be below 19%, and all the sources may be properly acknowledged and cited.

• Authors will be personally responsible for contents of their papers and seeking permission of copyright material.

• Authors are required to follow APA (latest edition) style of referencing and citation. A list of citations may be provided at the end of the manuscript as per APA style.

• Abstract of not more than 130 words should be composed on a separate page. At least five key words should also be given at the end of abstract page.

• The authors are required to read all the instructions carefully and make sure that all the requirements are fulfilled before submitting the manuscript.

Publication Fee

  • For Local Authors:  PKR: 15000/
  • For Foreign Authors: U.S 60$