Geo-strategic, Geo-political, Balochistan, Coastline, Arabian Sea, Gwadar Port, CPECAbstract
The coastal belt of Baluchistan holds high importance. This study attempts to explain the surrounding circumstances and the strategic viability of Balochistan’s coastline. The location of various port towns and areas adjacent to the Gulf of Oman and Strait of Hormuz promises important advantages for Pakistan in Indian Ocean region. The geographical layout of Gwadar, Jiwani, Ormara and Pasni at the juncture of Middle East, South Asia and Central Asia act as an instrument of sea power for Pakistan as well as for China under the umbrella of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. The presence of military and naval bases alongside the roads and airports has enhanced regional and maritime security of Pakistan. Gwadar deep seaport has the capability to connect land locked Central Asia, the resourceful Middle East and populous South Asia. Gwadar port has enlarged the strategic depth of Pakistan. Makran Coastal Highway has linked all the important coastal places with the rest of Pakistan. The future dynamics of geopolitical interests in Indian Ocean will further promote the role of Balochistan coastline for Pakistan. This paper is an account of geopolitical and strategic aspects of different areas on Balochistan coastal belt. The paper is a qualitative study mainly based on literature review method and data is collected from newspapers, research articles, books and theses. Primary data is collected from relevant experts in the form of interviews.
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